BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty 50 were trading nearly half a per cent up on Friday, on the back of gains in index heavyweights such as L&T, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, and Infosys, among others. So far in the day, the 30-share index rose 54,627.14 to day’s high, while Nifty 50 hit 16,275.50 as day’s high. On S&P BSE Sensex, ITC and Mahindra & Mahindra have hit fresh 52-week highs. ITC rose to Rs 294.45 apiece surpassing the previous high of Rs 293.45 apiece. M&M hit a new 52-week high of Rs 1,191.90 apiece, crossing the last high of Rs 1,138.80 apiece. While no stock fell to a fresh 52-week low on S&P BSE Sensex.
On BSE Sensex, a total of 65 stocks hit fresh 52-week highs in late morning deals. These include ABB India, Ace Men Engg Works, AGI Infra, Apar Industries, Choice International, Delhivery, ESAAR (India), ICICI Prudential Nifty Auto ETF, ITC, Siemens, Sonal Adhesives, and Voltamp Transformers, among others. On the flip side, 16 stocks fell to their respective lows on BSE Sensex. These were Atlas Jewellery India, Andhra Cements, Citiport Financial Services, Padmanabh Industries, Parsvnath Developers, Quality RO Industries, and Triveni Enterprises, among others.
On the contrary, stocks of Naga Dhunseri Group, NGL Fine-Chem, Andhra Cements, Future Consumer, Parsvnath Developers, and Vikas Proppant & Granite, among others.
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