BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty 50 were trading flat with a negative bias on Tuesday, dragged by losses in index heavyweights such as HDFC Bank, Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC), Asian Paints, Titan Company, among others. So far in the day, S&P BSE Sensex fell to a day’s low of 52,771.53, and Nifty 50 to 15,710.15. On the 30-share index, Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M), rose to a fresh 52-week high of Rs 1,121 apiece, surpassing its previous high of Rs 1,094.90 touched in the previous session. While no stock hit a new 52-week low on S&P BSE Sensex.
Stocks that hit 52-week highs, 52-week lows on BSE
Stocks that hit 52-week highs, 52-week lows on NSE
On the National Stock Exchange, 11 stocks hit their respective 52-week highs, while 12 were at fresh lows on Tuesday in noon deals. The stocks that hit 52-week highs were Axita Cotton, De Nora India, Kohinoor Foods, Mahindra & Mahindra, Priti International, Sterling Tools, TVS Motor Company, and Venus Pipes & Tubes, among others. On the contrary, stocks of Akash Infra-Projects, Chambal Fertilizers & Chemicals, Lasa Supergenerics, Star Health and Allied Insurance Company, Suryoday Small Finance Bank, Tembo Global Industries, and Touchwood Entertainment, among others, hit fresh 52-week lows on NSE.
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