After a gap-up start on Thursday, BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty 50 gave up gains and turned negative. So far in the trade, BSE Sensex hit a day’s low of 52,897.16, while NSE Nifty 50 fell to 15,747.80. On S&P BSE Sensex, out of 30 stocks, Bajaj Finserv hit a fresh 52-week low of Rs 10,979.65 apiece, slipping below the previous low of Rs 11,043.95 apiece. While no stock hit a fresh 52-week high on S&P BSE Sensex in the afternoon deals.
BSE stocks at 52-week highs, 52-week lows
NSE stocks at 52-week highs, 52-week lows
On the National Stock Exchange (NSE), 16 stocks hit 52-week highs, while 26 scrips fell to 52-week lows in the afternoon deals. The stocks that have hit 52-week highs were Blue Dart Express, Dangee Dums, Dhanvarsha Finvest, Fiem Industries, Global Education, Kohinoor Foods, Orient Bell, Priti International, Shalimar Paints, among others. Those that hit fresh lows were Akash Infra-Projects, Alkyl Amines Chemicals, Amj Land Holdings, HEC Infra Projects, ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund – ICICI Prudential 5 Year G-Sec ETF, IDBI Bank, Johnson Controls – Hitachi Air Conditioning India, and Sagardeep Alloys, among others.
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