Bulls continued to pull domestic headline indices higher on Tuesday. S&P BSE Sensex soared more than 600 points to hit an intra-day high of 53,865 while the NSE Nifty 50 index breached 16,000 mark after a month. The crucial 16,000 mark is seen as a hurdle for the index and a close above that, chartists say, could help the headline index rise higher. While bulls were in control, 71 stocks on BSE soared to fresh 52-week highs while 23 scrips were at new lows. Some of the marquee names at fresh highs include ITC, Chalet Hotels, Siemens, and many more.
52-week High/low on BSE
52-week high/low on NSE
On the NSE< 24 scrips recorded fresh 52-week highs. Akshar Spintex, Choice International, Global Education Limited, Hindware Home Innovation, Jupiter Wagons, Manorama Industries, Motherson Sumi Wiring India, Orient Bell, Rolex Rings, and Varun Beverages were among the stocks to trade at fresh highs. Only 11 stocks trading on the NSE, dropped to their 52-week low values. Ajani Portland Cement Limited, Medico Remedies Limited, Starteck Finance, ZUARI INDUSTRIES, were among those scrips.
Volume Gainers on NSE
Madhav Marbles and Granites was the top NSE volume gainer on Tuesday. More than 2.12 lakh shares of the company were traded on the exchange, 39 times the 1-week average. Stel Holdings Limited was the second-highest volume trade with nearly 80,000 shares moving between investors. This was 19.5 times the 1-week average. Kilitch Drugs (India) was also among the high volume trades with 56,000 shares exchanging hands, 17 times the 1-week average. Other volume trades include Par Drugs and Chemicals, Marksans Pharma, and PTC India Financial Services.
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