BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty 50 were trading volatile on Tuesday, on the back of mixed global cues. The 30-share index hit day’s high of 52,675, while Nifty 50 rose to 15,661.80 so far in the trade. In the afternoon deals, out of 30 stocks on S&P BSE Sensex, ITC hit fresh 52-week high of Rs 290.50, surpassing its previous high of 285, touched in previous session, While no stock hit fresh 52-week low on S&P BSE Sensex so far in the trade.
BSE stocks that hit new 52-week highs, 52-week lows
NSE stocks that hit 52-week highs, 52-week lows
On the National Stock Exchange, 30 stocks hit new 52-week highs, while 23 fell to their respective 52-week low levels in the afternoon deals. The stocks that rose to 52-week highs were Akshar Spintex, Automotive Axles, Coromandel International, Global Education, Hindware Home Innovation, Imagicaaworld Entertainment, Jupiter Wagons, Mahindra Lifespace Developers, Manorama Industries, Marathon Nextgen Realty, Monte Carlo Fashions, The Motor & General Finance, Priti International, Rolex Rings, and Shalimar Paints, among others. On the contrary, stocks that hit 52-week lows were Anjani Portland Cement, ICICI Prudential Nifty 5 Yr Benchmark G-SEC ETF, ICICI Prudential Nifty Alpha Low Volatility 30 ETF, Medico Remedies, Softtech Engineer, and UTI S&P BSE Sensex ETF, among others.
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