Reliance Industries share price rose nearly 2 per cent to Rs 2,510.95 apiece on BSE on Friday. Earlier this week global brokerage firm Jefferies reiterated its ‘buy’ rating on RIL stock. Mukesh Ambani-led RIL’s share price has corrected nearly 14 per cent from its peak of Rs 2,855 in April this year. Jefferies said that correction in the oil-to-telecom conglomerate share offers an opportunity to buy the counter. It has pegged a price target of Rs 2,950, a potential upside of 19.7 per cent from last close.
RIL could deliver 60% sequential growth in O2C Ebitda in 1QFY23E
RIL growth engines: Jio, Reliance Retail, COTC
Jefferies also noted that RIL is a key beneficiary from the energy inflation, with every $1 per barrel improvement in annualised refining margins adding an estimated $400-450 million to RIL’s consol EBITDA (2% uplift). It said that continued strength in refining should result in consensus FY23E earnings upgrades. Jefferies believes RIL has sustainable competitive advantage on scale economics, cost leadership, financial strength, recurring positive FCF FY22E onwards. Its new growth engines with large addressable markets — Digital in Jio, e-commerce in RR, COTC (crude-oil-to-chemicals) in energy.
RIL among few large Indian companies with a positive earnings revision cycle ahead
Last week, JP Morgan India upgraded its rating on Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) to ‘overweight’ from ‘neutral’ earlier, and has pegged a price target of Rs 3,170 apiece. The brokerage firm had said that the oil to telecom conglomerate is among the few large companies in India with a positive earnings revision cycle ahead, given the strong refining and gas environment.
RIL share price has lost 4 per cent in 5 days, and 5.2 per cent in one month. While in the last one year, the stock has jumped 15.2 per cent, and just 3.2 per cent so far in the year 2022.
The stock recommendations in this story are by the respective research analysts and brokerage firms. Financial Express Online does not bear any responsibility for their investment advice. Capital markets investments are subject to rules and regulations. Please consult your investment advisor before investing.
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